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transport public

The principle of the platform is to offer support and services that increase the autonomy of the person.

The central objective is that mobility is no longer an obstacle to access or retention in employment, or to the personal development of people.

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The diagnosis makes it possible to position the person on a real mobility journey. Personalized support is in place and offers various services .

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Who can benefit from the platform?

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The platform is accessible on prescription by various partners, in particular Pôle Emploi. You must be on the path to professional integration or training. To find out more, contact us

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The SAMI platform has the particularity of having been set up for people with disabilities and more specifically for people with ASD or autism. Managed by the Otéma TSA association, SAMI is the 2020 winner of the Call for Expressions of Interest from ADEME and France Mobilités. Through the use of a Geographic Information System, the main idea is to analyze the distance from the person's home to potential employers. And promote the travel of these people who are unable to move for different reasons in order to influence their professional integration. The person is also placed in a path of integration according to his level of mobility and benefits from special support.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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