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Vouloir, pouvoir et savoir être mobile

Lauréat AMI 2020 ADEME et France Mobilités


SAMI uses professional dedicated software. It is a series of questions to be carried out on digital or paper support which makes it possible to determine a person's mobility profile and to position them on a support path. Follow-up advice and personalized mobility coaching.

Individual or group workshops are offered and detail the travel solutions that could be used by the person. SAMI offers various mobility learning modules and provides information on all the travel solutions implemented in the territory concerned.


SAMI is able to direct the beneficiary to different financial structures for micro-credits for example sometimes necessary for the repair or the acquisition of a vehicle by. It is therefore an accompaniment towards financial aid and solutions.


If no mobility solution is available and if the person is positioned in a path of integration SAMI solicits partners in order to provide an eBike, a scooter or a vehicle.




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Otéma TSA, in collaboration with Beta.gouv, set up the state incubator for digital solutions, the first solidarity-based carpooling platform in the Tarn department. It is to offer a new travel solution to people in professional integration.

The people

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with disabilities

The SAMI platform is also a device for people with autism or people with disabilities. A specific program is proposed.

Carte Interactive des
déplacements dans le Tarn

Cette carte est réalisée par l'équipe d'OTEMA TSA afin de simplifier l'accès à l'information pour les usagers des transports. Ces données sont mises à jour régulièrement. Vous pouvez y trouver, les lignes de bus urbains, le réseau de Car LIO, les gares, les aires de covoiturages ainsi que les réseaux de transport à la demande. Si vous constatez des anomalies, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter. (Cliquer sur la carte pour l'activer)

Pour rechercher des itinéraires vous pouvez consulter le site de la région Occitanie, 


Bureau Intérieur flou
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


Nos partenaires Financiers

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